Text on Oregon state website https://olis.leg.state.or.us/liz/2013R1/Measures/Text/HJM6/A-Engrossed
On July 1, 2013, the Oregon State Legislature passed this Resolution in support:“Corporations are not People and Money is not Speech” – The Oregon Legislative Joint Memorial on Amending the Federal Constitution
Whereas the U.S. Constitution does not mention corporations and is intended to guarantee rights for human beings only; and Whereas corporations, limited liability companies and partnerships, associations and other entities established under and granted privileges by local, state, and federal laws make important contributions to our society, but are not to be equated with individual persons or granted constitutional rights; and Whereas money is property and not speech, Congress, state legislatures and local legislative bodies should have the authority to regulate political contributions and expenditures; and Whereas based on the American value of fair play, leveling the playing field and ensuring that all citizens, regardless of wealth, have an opportunity to have their political views heard is a valid rationale for regulating political spending; and Whereas Article V of the U.S. Constitution provides for amendments , a process that has occurred 27 times including seven constitutional amendments that have overturned U.S. Supreme Court decisions; and Whereas constitutional amendments should be proposed without a timeline for their adoption; now, therefore, Be It Resolved in 2013 by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Oregon: That we, the members of the seventy-seventh Legislative Assembly, urge the Oregon congressional delegation to use its legislative authority to advocate within the Congress of the United States to pass and send to the states for ratification a constitutional amendment consistent with the findings outlined above to establish that statutory entities do not have constitutional rights and legislatures may regulate money raised and spent for political purposes. A copy of this memorial shall be sent to each member of the Oregon Congressional delegation for inclusion in the Congressional Record.