“It’s hard to encapsulate the degree to which wealth dominates our elections. One measure: Just 100 people – almost all of them white – are responsible for 70% of individual contributions to Super PACs.” https://www.citizen.org/news/twelve-years-since-citizens-united-big-money-corruption-keeps-getting-worse/
View (directly below in the slideshow – it may take a moment to load) the legal reasons (and the corruption the 2010 Citizens United vs. F.C.C. Supreme Court ruling is helping) for why we need an amendment to the Constitution.
Both Republicans and Democrats are seeing the same problem, and similar solution (these are two examples of current amendment proposals):
Proposed 28th Amendment to the Constitution, February 25, 2021 – Brian Boyle, Republican: source An Amendment to Center “We the People” in Our Constitution. Note that this amendment includes “ the integrity of the electoral process,” and additional proposal language, whereas HJR48 does not.
Proposed 28th Amendment to the Constitution, May 20, 2021 – Pramila Jaypal, Democrat: source HJR48 – Sovereignty Amendment “We The People”.
Click to Read both amendments and take action here.
Are you a Republican?
Republican Jim Rubens, an entrepreneur and investor who served two terms as a Republican in the New Hampshire state Senate, is a board member of American Promise, which advocates for a constitutional amendment to rein in unlimited campaign spending.
Jim Rubens, “And if liberal billionaires bankrolling such races aren’t bad enough, the shell game of innocuous-sounding organizations giving to one another and then to SuperPACs, with the original donors of such money often remaining hidden, means there’s no way to know if the original source of contributions even comes from this country. Two years ago, entrepreneur Imaad Zuberi pled guilty to funneling illegal donations from a Saudi national to Barack Obama’s 2012 reelection campaign. With malign foreign interests taking a more active role in American elections, it is likely that significant illegal foreign contributions are being laundered into U.S. SuperPACs.
The solution lies in the constitution itself — a 28th amendment to help curb concentrated money’s corrupting influence over politics. The corruption crisis is so blindingly obvious to Republican voters that more than two-thirds of us back a 28th amendment to the constitution to restore power to Congress and the states to set limits on non-candidate campaign money.” Read the full article.
Are you a Democrat?
Take Action: Call to Ask Your Representative to “Co-sponsor HJR48 to End Corporate Personhood & Get Big $ Out of Politics”
Read both amendments and then call your representative. Ask them to support one or both of them.
Find your Representative’s telephone number by state or name at: https://www.house.gov/representatives
Start your own resolution (local, state, etc.): Sample Resolve Language for a Standard Resolution
Sign up to receive announcements and information from AFA by email. We are all volunteers working solely for the Sovereignty Amendment (no other issues – ever); no one is paid and AFA doesn’t ask for money. Mission and info.
We must protect “. . that government of the people, by the people, and for the people shall not perish from the Earth.”
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=scB0eQN-3_E
Read Sunlight’s official statement on the decision – APR 2, 2014:
“Once again, the Supreme Court has given more power to special interests and a tiny percentage of the very rich. Its Citizens United ruling four years ago opened up the floodgates for unlimited spending in our elections, and now it might as well have tied a big bow around Congress and deliver it to the 1%. By striking down the long-standing cap on total contributions individuals may give to federal candidates and political parties, the Supreme Court has permitted the unseemly spectacle of a single donor being able to contribute more than $3.5 million to one party during an election cycle (or double that, if he/she wants to hedge her bets)…What this court fails to recognize is the First Amendment rights of the 99.9% of citizens who cannot buy access to elected officials in order to give voice to their issues. Seven-figure contributions are not a megaphone merely amplifying the voices of the donors, they are a sonic boom, overpowering to the point of silencing all other voices…(Full article) “1
We the People, not It the Money.
Mission: “Americans for Amendment is an inclusive, politically diverse coalition of concerned citizens committed to the single objective of an amendment to the U.S. Constitution to state unequivocally that inalienable rights belong to human beings, that money is not a form of protected free speech under the First Amendment. Money, we argue, can and should be regulated in political campaigns.”
Americans for Amendment does not seek endorsement, nor does it give it. We are not affiliated with any other group and our members have their own political views which we neither support nor criticize (we refrain from any distraction away from our primary purpose as stated in our mission). We support only one issue, only one cause: to focus on the legal reasons why we need to ratify an amendment that permanently protects the inalienable rights of the people as persons in the U.S. Constitution and to establish that money is not speech.
This is not a liberal or conservative issue, this is an American issue. Please view the slideshow above to understand the serious peril to our Constitutional personhood (sovereignty by virtue of our inalienable rights) that has been given to entities as well as making money speech (rendering our legislative branch powerless to stop even foreign money from funding campaign electioneering – the buying of elections via media and other powerful influence). Understand the depth of corruption explained in the slideshow at the top of the page, then join AFA to expose and stop it by working for a 28th amendment to the Constitution.
Facebook is embedded at the bottom of all our website pages.
Click here.
Please ignore the ad that precedes the below video on potential corruption of big money in Montana local elections covered by PBS. After viewing, ask yourself if this is the way you want your elections influenced (bought) by those with the most money?
Big Sky, Big Money on PBS. ![]() ![]() |